Hi, I'm Colin!

About Me

Colin J Ashby Design

I like to create useful things.

Get To
Know Me.

My name is Colin. Yes, with only one “L”. I have a big fascination with the behind the scenes work that goes into creating seamless, intuitive user experiences. 

Want to know more about me? Keep scrolling the page!

Connect with me below.

Practice Makes Improvement

Experienced Skillset


I’ve run community development campaigns for a non profit, led strategy for a millennial personal finance website, and overall, am experienced in understanding the steps that go into creating a well planned product strategy.


Getting my bachelors degree in 2.5 years and graduating college at the age of 20 didn’t come without careful planning. 

Time management and task prioritization are well known to me. I couldn’t live without Todoist!


My writing has appeared in USA Today, Rockstar Finance, LifeHacker, Yahoo News, and The Financial Diet. 

I have the experience to craft a well-thought out piece of user engagement as a priority. 

more about me


When I’m not looking up random interesting facts or studying design patterns, I do a lot of other stuff. 


Travel gives new perspectives and makes you get out of your routine, which is why I love it. 

I’ve been to amazing places like Australia, Thailand, Myanmar, India, Portugal, and more. 


Capturing life through my Sony DSLR  is one of my favorite hobbies. Adobe Lightroom is an essential tool I couldn’t live without. 


I love independent films and horror comedy. I always try to keep a list of all the movies I see each year.

What’s your favorite movie? 


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Daily UI


I’ve done several different UX Design case studies in fields such as insurance, career, cell phone, and fintech. Lots of discovery and learning through each of them! Take a look. 

I’m always looking for ways to improve my skills. Daily UI is a 100 day challenge where you create a new UI design of something new everyday. App icons, landing pages, and so much more. 

I’ve been taking photos ever since I was a kid using a cheap disposable camera. Now I use my Sony a6000 and Google Pixel 6 Pro. Click below to see all the places I’ve photographed.


UX Design + Writing